Friday, December 21, 2007

Making it all work

We worked out a system over the weekend where Brian and I can ski together. All we have to do is pick a trail that needs breaking in and I'll follow along behind. In that vein we (well Brian broke trail up to Swampy pass on Saturday) and I followed along. it was really fun. It was also really cold and my sandwich, water and banana all froze, which made Brian a bit cross as I then had to steal his supplies. At the end on the way home we got so cold we drove through Sonic (our only time to eat there in 9 years of living in Gunnison... I ate my burger in the bath... and it was so good ... after 5 hours and -7 degrees I easily justified it all).).

Now we have our family visiting for Xmas which is proving to be lots of fun adventures. Here's Brian his mum and sister at Hartman's. Its warmed up a bit too which is good as Kari and Patrick live in North Carolina and Sunny Gunny was a bit of an initial shock temperature wise. Wherever you are Happy Holidays!

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