Friday, April 25, 2008


My Camera and cable.
So heres a belated Sample of South Africa pics.
Gary - Just for fun sports ZA, packs it in. Where there's a will theres a way.Laura: So many skills... Delivers. AN ICE BATH... in 40 degrees C... Yeah.Where Mechanics go at night. Life is pretty good for Bork, even if dinner is a little late!Tent city.Bike city. ( tidbit for today... at least 80% of bike's had bar ends).
And then STELLENBOSCH. What a treat.

Erik and Janine... awesome hosts.
Franshoek, mid ride brunch.
Turtle crossing. JB saved it and it repayed him with turtle wee.Sunday afternoon Braai. Wed evening Braai... Gunnison style...and the B'man sings. ( making fun of my music choice makes up his own lyrics, special edition not for realease any time soon).

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