Thursday, July 24, 2008

What would Sue do?

My girlfriend Kristi and I used to banter this question between us mountain biking. Its kind of like the 'foot down' game and it extends to solid/smart racing decisions as well. Especially at Snowshoe, WV ( where Kristi lives and sort of where Sue hails from).
We meant it as the highest form of a compliment because she's a fantastic rider and one of the best people.
Sue put a 'foot down' in the wrong place last weekend in Mt Snow. It happens. Bummer!
I would have been off the computer half an hour ago but I checked in: and nosied at all the good wishes on her blog page.
Visit there too and send your love.

Along the same vein (unfortunately) Kathy Sherwin had really shitty luck for the second time this season. And broke her hand at Wyndham, NY the week before. . Send her some love too!



Susan Haywood said...

Sue would check Jenny's blog to see what she is doing! Thanks for the love and your blog is part of my big entertainment recovery blog on!


Ditto on everything Sue said! It is nice to think about something other than my own doctor appts so keep on blogging!